Excellence In Worship
At the center of the Christian life and in the life of the church is Christian worship. It colors, reflects and shapes our views and relationships with God and the world. As a Christian activity worship is supreme, primary, indispensable and of the highest importance. The act of worship is the church’s most basic identity and is its defining characteristic. Worship distinguishes a church as church.
Worship is a God-given gift, not a human invention. All through Scripture, God calls his created ones to worship the Most High. The Psalmist reminds us: “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Ps. 29:2). Worship, such as praise, thanksgiving and repentance, is our response to God.
Worship is service. Service is worship. Each work done in response to the Father’s love is an act of worship. Mission, defined in a larger sense, is the fulfillment of God’s ultimate reason for the church’s existence: to the praise and glory of the Lord.
At First Baptist Church, we worship in a traditional style which includes a variety of music traditions supported by pipe organ, piano, and sometimes a variety of instruments. Our Sanctuary Choir leads the congregation in singing from traditional hymns while embracing creative and emerging music from a variety of styles.
Worship begins at 10 a.m. in our church’s beautiful sanctuary.

Excellence In Music
Excellence flows throughout the fabric of life at First Baptist. In worship, music is not something only a few gifted people do; it’s an expression of joy for the entire congregation as we sing together great hymns of the faith old and new. The music ministry also offers choirs, ensembles and opportunities for every age grouping.
Sanctuary Choir is the adult choir that leads in weekly Sunday morning worship and presents one or two special programs each year. This choir is open to any interested adult, with rehearsals on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the choir room. Contact James Martin for more information.
Handbells is an adult ensemble which plays our three octave handbells and handchimes and is open to any person with some music training. This ensemble rehearses on Sunday afternoons and plays regularly in our worship service. Contact James Martin for more information.
Preschoolers and children alike find age-appropriate training in music on Wednesdays during the school year. All children ages 3 yrs to 5th grade are invited to Music & Missions, beginning at 4:45 p.m. Contact James Martin for more information.